Friday, February 2, 2018

B142. Real Men and Real Women

Men and Women are different.
“Equal rights” is a good thing.
All people are “real.”

Most men are physically bigger and stronger than most women. Some women are physically bigger and stronger than some men. Real men are large and small, weak and strong. Real women are large and small, weak and strong.

Most men think logistically in black and white. Most women think through a filter of feeling. Some women think mostly in logistics. Some men feel more deeply. All people are real. All women are real women, all men real men.

Because most men are physically bigger and stronger than most women, most builders and welders and mechanics are men. If a woman chooses to be a builder or a police officer and she is able to perform the job, no rule or law should prohibit her.

Most women are natural caregivers – to children, aging parents, suffering and grieving friends. Some men are. Some women are not. If a couple decides together that the husband will stay home and care for the children and the wife will go to work, no laws or social norms should prohibit them. They are both real.

Real women are cashiers, soldiers, pilots, pastors, artists, and full-time moms. Real men are plumbers, taxi drivers, chefs, poets, hair stylists, and teachers.

Men are not better or smarter than women. Women are not better or smarter than men. Men and women are different. Equality and mutual respect means they can share their strengths, living and working together, complementing and appreciating each other.

All men are not alike. All women are not alike. Gender and gender roles need no definition. If a little girl likes to play with toy cars, maybe she will grow up to do her own oil changes or to appreciate the differences in makes and models. If a little boy plays with dolls, perhaps he will become a caring father or a compassionate nurse. A man who cries watching a movie is real.  A woman who bench presses 180 pounds is real.

Being like or different from most men or being like or different from most women does not make a person better than others. Nor less real. All people are real. Men and women are different. Men and men are different. Women and women are different. We are all uniquely created. We are all uniquely of value. And when everyone is valued, the real world we all share is good.

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