Saturday, October 5, 2024

B188. Truth and Political Lies

We are now less than one month from Election Day, and our political wars have made most of us a little crazy. Friends, expect ridiculous lies between now and Nov 5. If it immediately angers you, stop, look for the ORIGINAL source, think twice before reposting, and try to avoid cable news sources and Facebook bait.

Lies are a political strategy. Many of the liars don't expect us to believe all their lies. The larger plan is that we stop believing anything, even the Truth, because we can't discern one from the other. This is dangerous - to our politics, our society, and ourselves - to live without Honesty and Truth.

God, teach us wisdom and discernment, and remind us to guard our hearts and minds watchfully through these next few weeks. Amen

(Suggested Readings, Videos, and News Sources: Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984, Huxley's Brave New World, Alberta's The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory, The Gospel of Matthew, The Matrix, Bad Faith, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, PBS)

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